The Secret Law of Attraction Blog and Books by Secret Diary

Google Analytics: Know How Visitors Find, Navigate & Convert on Your Site | Write Better Ads

"With Google Analytics, you can gather, view, and analyze data about your website traffic. By embedding our basic JavaScript snippet into your pages, you see which content gets the most visits, average page views and time on site for visits, which ads are driving the most visitors to your site, and more. You can also use the simple administrative interface to set up goals and filters to control what data goes into your reports based on your business needs. The best part: this sophisticated, full-featured web analytics package is free." ~


  1. Great! you shared a very useful information about Google Analytics, gathering, viewing, and analyzing data about website traffic. It could be very useful. keep it up and share more useful information.

  2. Thanks an eye to sharing information. I’ve written and shared my thoughts around this on my blog.
